Swasthaya Inc. LOGO has given a butterfly-like imagery with wings of leaves (which represents nature) to the human being in our logo as we firmly believe our existence can fly high only if we all humans are in sync with mother nature.
Swaasthya™ is a registered trade mark in USA with USPTO. Swaasthya is a Sanskrit word, which basically means free from diseases, healthy (body, mind and consciousness);
also one who stays in the body means is the one, who is centered, balance and natural. We at Swaasthya Inc. (a Center for Healing, Life and Longevity), we try to strive these
universal healthy qualities/guna in our everyday routines/dincharya, products and services, so as to bring the best of our health/swaasthya in achieving our best performance
in our lives. We hope you will join us in our journey for good health, healing and longevity through our Holistic approach, which is also a preventive care. Stay HEALTHY! Please visit us at www.Swaasthya.US #Swaasthya @Swaasthya