Assalamu alaikum Warahmatu- Allahi Waberakatuh
This is official YouTube channel for Qari Shadab Badar (Ilm Ul Haq Academy) which is dedicated towards the understanding and learning of The Quran with Tajweed in a very simple and easy ways.
Ilm Ul Haq Academy was started in Pune, India by Shadab Badar with the help of Allah S.W.A and we want to spread the light of Quran all over the World Inshallah. We have already started more of our online and regular classes in Pune, but we want to spread this all over India.
Here you can find lecture videos for Tajweedul Quran, Arabic grammar , which helps you to understand The Quran in a simple way.
Courses offered:
Tajweedul Quran
Qirat with Tajweed
Tilawate Quran
All the videos can be found on the link below:
رب يسر ولا تعسرو تمم بالخير
Rabbi Yassir wala tu'Assir wa tammim bil khair
Channel managed by: Aqsa Sayed