Hey everyone it’s me kyran stop motions from Instagram and now have a YouTube channel but I will still use my Instagram account.
Interests and favourite shows and movies and games:
Harry Potter. Top cat and top cat the movie. The banana splits. (not the jellystone or horror movie ones) the cattanooga cats. (not the jellystone ones) Johnny bravo. Thomas the tank engine. Fireman sam. (season 1-5) bob the builder. (original) Lego Harry Potter. BBC Bertha. Hanna barbera. (Not jellystone) spongebob. Toy story. Teletubbies. Slendytubbies. Wallace and gromit. Super Mario. Home alone. The Simpsons. Scooby doo, The sam raimi Spider-man trilogy. Ghostbusters. Loonatics unleashed. the angry video game nerd. Scooby doo. Cats don’t dance. Tim Burton’s corpse bride. Coraline. Horrid Henry. Dennis the menace and gnasher. Adult swim’s Harley Quinn. Marvel. Dc. Image comics. The flintstones. the jetsons. And lego.
My channel is inspired by Olivia smith. Rohan hordern. Dre higbee. and bugmaster06.