Yash: Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give the glimpse
for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined. Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in
places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other
purposes. Recreational, Environmental, Historical, Ethnic, Cultural, Adventure,
Health, Religious, Music, Village, Wild life tourism are different type of tourism. Travel for leisure purposes has evolved from an experience reserved for very few people into something
enjoyed by many. Sustainable tourism is any form of tourism that can be consumed in a more responsible way. It is the one
which: minimizes negative social, economic and environmental impacts. Generates greater economic benefits
for local people and communities. Temple, Festivals, rich village heritage