If my institutionalized, uneducated, autistic aspie hands can, YOU CAN TOO! Buy sell trade repair mechanic weld rat rod diesel truck etc. Chanel was started to document personal projects a month after release from my fourth trip to prison. At 35 years old having spent 23 years in institutions I knew I needed something more from life. So began a journy building fixing creating and learning to YOUTUBE! As I sought worth buying cheap motorcycles cars and trucks. Repairing and building up my confidence, and self worth, through blue collar hands on mechanical tasks, I knew I could motivate and encourage others to accomplish more in life by using their hands. Chanel is not to show my accomplishments, but to share my philosophy KEEP BUILDING SHIT! Because I want my viewers to believe in their own GOD given hands, set goals, make forward progress every day. Not sit around idle or wasting the time they have on this earth. If wanting to help the chanel paypal.me/worthshop for donations God bless