The "Oswald Spengler Society for the Study of Humanity and World History" (ASBL BE0688.598.446) engages in the understanding of the principles underlying Human Evolution and World History and its perspectives. It is dedicated to the comparative study of cultures and civilizations, including pre-history, the evolution of humanity as a whole and extrapolations regarding the possible future of man. It draws inspiration from the works and ideas of Oswald Spengler, but aims at applying state-of-the-art multidisciplinary approaches including evolutionary theory, sociobiology, philosophy, psychology, jurisprudence and archeology.
Anbieter und v. i. S. d. P.
The Oswald Spengler Society
for the Study of Humanity and World History
(ASBL BE0688.598.446)
c/o Prof. Dr. David Engels
Hors les Portes 55
4830 Limbourg