Hey friends, I’m Arlene—a book nerd, planner, and creative, guiding my kiddos through high school and middle school with a flexible, Waldorf-inspired, secular homeschool approach.
With a background in graphic design and as a RN (on hiatus), I balance a science-focused perspective with a passion for lively arts in our home. On this channel, we dive into various topics, with a special emphasis on mixed media art and creative projects. I’ll gently guide you through inspired lessons, using curricula as a flexible guide and weaving in our own ideas and inspirations.
Join us for immersive, relaxed videos with a cozy, tea-time charm, where we dive into meaningful conversations, share our creative journey, and savor a few laughs along the way.
Settle in with your lukewarm drink friends, and stay a while… 📚🫖
(Timestamps are included to assist with everyday interruptions.)
#booknerd #plannernerd #secularhomeschool #flexiblewaldorf #homeschoolhighschool #homeschoolmiddleschool