is a youtuber that contains prayers and mantras including: reading the prophet's sholawat not being tired, the Qur'an as a healer - true story, innalillahi wainna ilaihi raji'un, wife's prayer for husband so that sustenance runs smoothly, benefits of Nurbuat prayer and how to practice it, how to to stay young for women, The secret of eternal youth, Efficacious prayer and dhikr opening fortune, The secret of praying with the surah Al Fatihah, The true story of the miracle of the Duha prayer, The story of converts to Islam, Wirid yes in the month of fasting, Correct reading of istighfar, how to wirid yes Latif, red dalima and efficacy of red dalima mustika, haunted house the medicine is in cheap stalls etc., spells and prayers,
@mantra and prayer
YouTuber mantra and prayer