Their award-winning book 'Simple Money, Rich Life' is the operating manual they (a middle-class couple) followed to pay off over $400k of debt and reach a personal goal of giving $1 million by age 40. For the last 16 years they’ve shared their best lessons with over 54 million friends on and @seedtime (our main YT channel)
If you'd like a copy we'd love to send you a FREE copy if you can help us cover shipping - get it at
Hate reading and prefer Netflix? We got you covered with our 6-week on-demand video course called "True Financial Freedom".
Specifically designed for your churches and small groups, church leaders all across the U.S. are thrilled with what God is doing through the course. Find out more at
And if we haven't met, we are Bob & Linda Lotich, and make yourself right at home! Glad to be hanging out with you!