Hi Guys, I'm Sonia Sharma, alumna Yoga & Ayurveda, UOP of famous yog guru Swami Ramdevji and acharya Balkrishnaji. Currently a yogacharya & acupressurist at Patanjali Yog Gram, Haridwar. My purpose behind this channel is to inform new aspiring students about University of Patanjali & ailing patients regarding available treatments at Patanjali. I aim to influence people towards following clean diets & healthy lifestyle. The channel videos range from Yoga tutorials to Patanjali Information. From daily hacks/technology vlogs to Healthy eatings, yoga classes, workouts, warmups, fit beginners routine, exercises, Ayurvedic diet plans, Panchkarma treatments, Naturopathy, Yajya Therapy, Acupressure, Diet Charts, daily health tips n tricks, body image and healthy happy lifestyle regimes.
I am on this journey of believe and make FIT with a pinch of Everything Good !!
So, follow me along in this journey of Happiness, Health & Wellness through Vedic Traditions !
Healthy is Happy !