Hello, my name is Johan and this is my channel '' JohanNLbond ''
Here you can find about everything related to games and high quality gaming content mainly on the PC ( Personal Computer )
You can expect to see video's on this channel with the highest quality that YouTube can offer like 1080P 1440P or even 4K!
I always try to play with the highest settings and resolution possible and with the latest software and / or updates there is unless it's a specific benchmark video to test out a certain setting.
Atm I am playing a lot League of Legends which isn't a highly hardware intensive game but you can expect to get the best video quality there is on YouTube!
I record my videos at the moment with Shadowplay from nVidia, this is a special feature only for the nVidia GeForce GT640 and higher graphics cards with extended functionality for the nVidia GeForce 900 series and higher.
💯% PC Gaming!