Sell Side is a forum for the Sales & BD fraternity. A forum to understand and hone Selling Skills often touted as essential survival skills. The forum makes an attempt to learn the Art of Selling, Team Building, Motivation, Negotiation and much more.
Selling is not only a transaction of Product or Service, but also Ideas. Leaders who have galvanized people towards a change in political system or fostered a revolution were able to SELL their ideologies to people.
It takes two to make a transaction. Buyer & Seller. Oftentimes, the buyer is glorified and revered. The entire Sales exercise is centered around wooing the Buyer. But, there is a certain breed of Sales & Business folks who have managed to create win-win solutions and build large businesses. We will learn from experts how they created an outcome in their favor.
If you want to hear any particular individual, please do let us know in the comments section. We will try to get that individual on our podcast.