Oil. For lanterns.
Full custody, single, girl dad that has recently started making GoW videos, with some of my spare time. I am just an average gamer looking to connect with fellow GoW players and constantly trying to improve my gameplay.
Recently, I beat GoW (2018) and Ragnarok on GMGoW difficulty. I had never, in my 25 years of gaming, ever beat a game on the hardest difficulty. I am extremely proud of these gaming accomplishments, and a pro GoW gamer that I started learning from is the one who inspired me to challenge myself and to make these videos. That gamer is @akhafasu and he is super underrated. If you see this, I appreciate you, brother!!
I have an enormous amount of content from GoW (2018) and GoW Ragnarok that I'm going to be posting, including NO HIT Valkyrie fights and Show Me Mastery Valhalla runs.
Please enjoy and drop a like and subscribe! (Not an obligation, but certainly appreciated!!)