Astral enthusiast and frequenter of liminal spaces. Providing to this corporeal plane a variety of visual arts, witchery, traditional artisan skills, social commentary, and the recent psychological horror novel conjured from a childhood punctuated by reruns of The Twilight Zone (find Sydney West by David B. McKinsey anywhere - but check indie stores first pl0x).
In video format, the subject matter is a *little* more erratic, but often features art streams, gardening for food and Craft, intersectional paganism, and other bits of atmosphere as fit.
Current schedule -
Posted videos - 2/+ a month
Quiet chaos - 24/7
246/500 reasons to keep offering free content
Astral enthusiast and frequenter of liminal spaces. Providing to this corporeal plane a variety of visual arts, witchery, traditional artisan skills, social commentary, and the recent psychological horror novel conjured from a childhood punctuated by reruns of The Twilight Zone (find Sydney West by David B. McKinsey anywhere - but check indie stores first pl0x).
In video format, the subject matter is a *little* more erratic, but often features art streams, gardening for food and Craft, intersectional paganism, and other bits of atmosphere as fit.
Current schedule -
Posted videos - 2/+ a month
Quiet chaos - 24/7
246/500 reasons to keep offering free content