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Kevin McGeary

None subscribers - no pronouns set

Offline I am an educator and work in schools, universities,


Offline I am an educator and work in schools, universities, and churches in Greater Manchester. I am also an author, published in Litro, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Open Democracy, and more. I also wrote the short story collection 'The Naked Wedding'.

Online I have three main activities:

1. Musician

I have been teaching guitar since 2004 and offer both online and offline lessons. I update this channel at least once a week.

2. A linguist and Mandarin teacher.

I have a long and colourful background with China and its language. My writing in Chinese and about China has been recognised all over the world.

I give weekly online Mandarin lessons here.

3. A singer-songwriter

I write skits, jokes, comedy songs, and monologues. I perform as The Kev.