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Oscar Ichazo Online

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Oscar Ichazo is the originator of Integral Philosophy, which


Oscar Ichazo is the originator of Integral Philosophy, which includes the Enneagram Theory of the Ego–Fixations. His book "The Enneagrams of the Fixations — The Original Teachings," includes the basis of the Enneagramatic Theory, Method and Practice. Of this work, he said in 1960 he "completely developed the set of 108 enneagrams that describe all the processes of the human psyche." His work provides a complete map of the human condition, enabling us to discover the basis of our ego process. This map provides us with the ability and knowledge to recognize and transcend our relative ego process into the Higher States of Mind. This ‘State of Being’ is our True Self, Essential and Pure, and is experienced as an internally realized State of great Happiness, Light, and Liberation. Other books related to attaining Higher States through Integral Methods, such as "The Enneagrams of the Divine Forms" and "Parallels Between Platonism and Mahayana Buddhism," are available at