Welcome to Rattu tota, your one-stop solution for B.Tech semester papers or diploma engineering exam preparation.
Rattu Tota is a part of the Engineers Academy. India’s top educators will be teaching you daily on this channel. We will cover the entire syllabus, strategy, updates, and notifications which will help you to get good marks in your engineering semester or diploma engineering examination.
Rattu Tota is an effort to provide online digital resources for the first time for the preparation of engineering semester’s examination in various technical universities. Presently all the lectures are prepared according to RTU (Rajasthan Technical University), BTU (Bikaner Technical university) AKTU (U.P Technical university) Jharkhand Technical university, Aaryabhatt knowledge university (Bihar Technical university) B.E/B. Tech semester examination pattern. Hopefully, our effort will be fruitful for the students.
Happy Learning: