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Tuned-in Light - Original Art & Music

9 subscribers - no pronouns set

Welcome to my channel to share a small portion of my Love fo


Welcome to my channel to share a small portion of my Love for Life. I enjoy creating art and music to share. My song tools are Guitar, Harmonica, Wind Synth, Voice, and lots of software instruments. I enjoy photography and all forms of artistic expression. So, Hear-Here Now, & Cheers to a synergistic union of the Visions & Melodies that inspire me daily. All my senses plus Mind and Spirit share joyfully in the evolving moment, the ever/now present/gift sound/space. The music here is all original as is the photography, video and artwork. Do note, though, that some of the content will feature unique generative art renderings. These artworks will be in their own separate videos & will mention "Generative Art or AI" in the Title. This new arena seems inviting & creative to me at this time.

So, welcome to an alternative “Here and Wow”. Welcome to Lucid Light, Song Zenergy, and possibly a Sounds-Fun Vital-Vista to explore and grow with.

Love to you ALL, each and every ONE !!

Truly, Carl