A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step ... You do not know when or where, you may be faced with an emergency. Be prepared.
From 1989, Wiktor began his adventure with the broadly understood existence in the field. It started with an inconspicuous participation in the first in Poland, rally of survival precursors, inspired by the actions of Jacek Pałkiewicz. For many years, he practically deepened his knowledge and skills during independent expeditions, with minimal equipment, in all weather conditions. In 2015, he established the Pomeranian Survival Center and was invited to cooperate by Survivaltech.pl, where he shared his experiences and knowledge during training sessions. In 2017, the Pomeranian Survival Center took the name of Survivaltech Pomorze, which in 2019 evolved to Survival Adventures.
Survival Adventures deals with real-life survival techniques for when something goes wrong during a trip, journey, expedition ...