Welcome to the Irwin Family Farms YouTube Channel! We're a family-run farm located at the border of Cedar Springs and Rockford, Michigan, on a mission to provide local families with healthy, happy, and ethically raised food while nurturing the land and our community.
Inspired by our own experience with unhealthy store-bought food, we decided to take matters into our own hands and start Irwin Family Farms. From pasture-raised meat chickens and layer hens to forest hogs and, in the future, grass-fed cattle, we're dedicated to creating a sustainable, healthy, and happy environment for our animals and ultimately, providing fresh and wholesome food for local families.
🎥 What to Expect 🎥
On this channel, we'll share our journey of building our farm from the ground up. From clearing the land and building chicken coops to starting our garden and planning for future animals, we'll document every step of the way. We'll also share tips on sustainable farming, homesteading, and healthy living.