hey, my names hadlie! I compete in Hunter jumpers an Equitation with my pony frito! 🧷 Teen girl 🫶🏼
🌮 Walking Taco 🌮
- Haflinger - 13.2 HH -
- Gelding - 7 years
- sassy - HJ: 3’0” -
- very food motivated-
- Hunters and Eq -
- My boy 🫶🏼 -
🌈 Rainbow Princess Unicorn Glitter Sparkles Martha Muffins 🌈
Martha (muffins)
- Mini Pony - 38 inches tall -
- mare - 8 years old -
- biggest diva in existence -
- HJ: MIA - defines big back -
🔥 He’s a Trooper 🔥
- BLM Mustang - 15 HH -
- Gelding - 5 years -
- also sassy - HJ: 2’6”-2’9” -
- loves watermelon -
- very green bean -
- 3 ring potentially -
- my other boy? 🤔🤭 -
😅 Just a Boy 😅
- OTTB - 16.2 HH -
- Gelding - 3 years -
- sweet angel - HJ: 🤔 -
- Green Bean Hunter -
- ?my potential boy? -
💎 Hidden Gem 💎
- unknown - 14 HH -
- Mare - 8 Years -
- sweet & sassy - HJ: 2’6”? -
- Jumper but needs miles -
- family friends I catch ride -