pls stop watching my pre-Sicksuckish videos they're cringe af 💀 (not begging or forcing)
I support PEACE during the 2 current conflicts btw (pls respect/handle/tolerate my opinion)
Alliances I like:
UTA (United Trolling Agency)
HXR (Even though I don't know what it stands for)
USTA (United Sensist Trolling Agency)
AOGISM (Anti-Ogism)
AGCIM (Anti-GaysCanIntoMapping)
AUTTP (Anti-YouTubeTrollPolice)
AGF (Anti-GoKidsansLogoKidsFederation)
BC (BlankingCountries but handle my opinion)
MHDM [OBSERVER] (Moaz Hany Doesn't Matter)
AWHO [LEADER] (Aiden Wombat Hatebase Organization)
AAHA (Anti AffanHaider Army)
ATKBTA (Anti-TheKneebouncersTutorial Army)
AMHVA (Anti-MomoHappyValler Army)
AHQA (Anti-Huda Qaiser Army)
AFTF110C (Anti-Foxy The Fox 110 Club)
AEA (Anti-Elsagate Army)
I allow my son to operate on this account. I allow him to express himself but I monitor this account closely