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6.1K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Filo is among the world leaders in 1-1 personalised learning


Filo is among the world leaders in 1-1 personalised learning. It is a platform which connects students with India’s top 1% tutors in just 60 seconds 24x7. With Filo students can solve problems, clear concepts, prepare for school and competitive examinations, finish homework assignments, take private classes, solve mock tests, prepare notes and get mentorship from the best of the tutors of the country. Filo is present in more than 15 countries worldwide and has clocked more than 10 million minutes of sessions.

Through our YouTube channel, you will get access to exclusive content on -
* Easy solutions to complex study material
* Filo advantageous App experience
* Tips, tricks and guidance for preparations

So go full screen, crank up the volume and enjoy your Filo experience.