At NxtWave, we are determined to transform youngsters into highly skilled tech professionals irrespective of their educational background.
With our Continuous Career Building Programs 4.0 (CCBP 4.0), anyone can build 4.0 skills and get high-paid jobs centered around 4.0 technologies like AI, ML, Full Stack Development, Cybersecurity, IoT, VR/AR, Blockchain and more.
For the first time in India, we have introduced Industry-Ready Certification (IRC) which represents a learner’s industry readiness.
We are building India’s Largest 4.0 Tech Student Community bringing together a group of forward-thinking and tech-savvy minds. This community serves as an ecosystem to help students build skills and careers in 4.0 technologies.
More than 2,00,000+ students from 3,000+ colleges across 35 Indian states and Union territories are a part of the community.