My name is Julia and I'm talking here about Aboriginal dog and their puppies of wolfhound from their homeland of Tajikiastan. And also my Central Asian Shepherd dog, that comes from semi - wild aboriginal dogs, which protect against wolf, bear and other predators - Aboriginal CAS from Tajikistan. We will track the path of our aboriginal puppies - from birth to an adult dogs.
Often those dogs called alabai or alabai dog which is not correct and in our channel we will explain why. The classic name for this breed is Central Asian Shepherd and our dogs are aboriginal Central Asian Shepherd dogs or shortcut aboriginal CAS. You can also call them wolfhound because in their homeland in Tajikistan, the main predator with which these dogs constantly deal is a wolf.
So stay tuned, support me by subscribing to my channel and like and write in the comments what you liked the most and what else you would love to see and any questions that you have about Aboriginal Central Asian Shepherd.