Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I'm here to guide you through midlife. I'll test out new products, break down the science jargon and help you navigate the minefield of your 40s, 50s and beyond.
I'm a journalist and I'm passionate about the truth, so you'll find no false promises or PR shilling. If I like something, I'll tell you and if I don't, I'll tell you that, too. Because I know you're not going to fall for any old spiel – hey, we're midlifers. We've been there and forked out too much…
I've done the studies and got the certificates, met the experts and even been to parliament, all to let you know you're not mad – it's just midlife!
So hit the subscribe button, get yourself a cuppa and let's chat x
(PS My videos are for entertainment and informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. My aim is to support, not replace, discussion with your doctor or healthcare provider – they know what’s best!)