The best way of learning Science is to perform experiments!
To encourage the incorporation of experiential learning in classroom practices, Smt. Indrani Balan Science Activity Centre (SAC) has been established as part of CoESME at IISER Pune with the help of a generous donation by Balan Group, Pune. We are engaged in developing low-cost interactive science toys that can be used to teach science in an engaging and hands-on way. The objective is to strengthen teaching and learning of science & mathematics by use of these simple toys and hands-on activities.
The SAC generates resource material for teachers, students and science enthusiasts that explains scientific concepts through do-it-yourself (DIY) hands-on activities. These include videos, sequential photographs and small booklets that describe the process of making toys/exhibits and also explain the scientific principle behind them. Lectures and demonstrations by senior teachers made available for the public.
The best way of learning Science is to perform experiments!
To encourage the incorporation of experiential learning in classroom practices, Smt. Indrani Balan Science Activity Centre (SAC) has been established as part of CoESME at IISER Pune with the help of a generous donation by Balan Group, Pune. We are engaged in developing low-cost interactive science toys that can be used to teach science in an engaging and hands-on way. The objective is to strengthen teaching and learning of science & mathematics by use of these simple toys and hands-on activities.
The SAC generates resource material for teachers, students and science enthusiasts that explains scientific concepts through do-it-yourself (DIY) hands-on activities. These include videos, sequential photographs and small booklets that describe the process of making toys/exhibits and also explain the scientific principle behind them. Lectures and demonstrations by senior teachers made available for the public.