Hello all, I'm Matt Don't Play. I know you all are confused...someone who "doesn't play video games" starting a gaming YouTube channel. Well that's what I would tell everyone, I didn't play video games. Then I found a YouTuber playing Farming Simulator 17 & well as they say the rest is history. For the longest time I would play in secret all along telling people "Matt Don't Play". haha
While I know there a ton of people playing Farming Simulator on YouTube these days and that's great! I believe there are room for more so here I am. Give me a watch & why not go a head & subscribe while you are at it. Sure I'm going to be doing the same thing everyone else is doing, but who knows maybe every once in awhile I might surprise you & I just might even entertain you slightly or you may even see a fresh take on Farming Simulator.
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