Hello and welcome, this channel is about gameplay (both without and with commentary) of motorsport racing games (and maybe, at some point in the future also about gokarting in real life)
Hallo und willkommen - in diesem Kanal geht es um mein Gameplay von Rennspielen (und vielleicht in der Zukunft auch um Gokartfahren im echten Leben)
So far, this channel is mostly about Gran Turismo 7, Gran Turismo Sport, Formula 1 2020 and DiRT 2.0 on PS4. I had seen other players upload their videos when I was looking for a new racing game with the kinds of cars that appear there, decided to buy the game (Gran Turismo Sport - Formula 1 already before then) and now I am enjoying it a lot and I wanted and still want to share this passion with others.
Upload schedule:
I will upload videos occasionally - since I have a job and other hobbies as well, it will depend on when I play/race and if I think it's upload-worthy ;)
Channel Banner:
Photo by jaguarmena on Foter.com / CC BY -