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回到鄉下老家高雄美濃過鄉村生活 被山景大自然包圍 住在三合院老房子裡 我因疫情結束掉做了7年的小生意 老天給


回到鄉下老家高雄美濃過鄉村生活 被山景大自然包圍

老天給我人生的暫停鍵 先不著急擁有
利用這時刻 先了解對自己重要的生命意義是什麼

放慢生活步調 找回興趣愛好 做喜歡的食物 享受大自然
生活可以過得很簡單 太多的物質條件也滿足不了心靈的空虛 現在住的地方簡簡單單
多了時間感受生活 放慢腳步 聽聽大自然的聲音 大山的風景
親手做美食 三餐 菜園裡種了些蔬菜 看到他們生長 格外開心

如果喜歡我的影片,請訂閱我的頻道 謝謝!


I decided to return to my hometown in Kaohsiung, Meinong, to live in the countryside. Surrounded by mountains and nature
Living in an old house in a courtyard house, slowing down your life, finding your hobbies, cooking your favorite food, and enjoying nature
Life can be very simple, too many material conditions can not satisfy the emptiness of the soul, the place where I live now is simple
Have more time to experience life, slow down and listen to the sound of nature, the scenery of the mountains
I cook three meals with my own hands. I planted some vegetables in the vegetable garden. I am very happy to see them grow.