Hi Everyone!
I'm Ana a filipina married to Tom who is a croati(croatian) and now living in (EU) Croatia .In this channel we share our story/journey together as a couple from over 4years in Long Distance Relationship to our success story,being married,FAITH and everything in between. We sharing sharing our story to you with a hope to inspire you not to give up on your special ONE.
We been through heaps of challenges in our journey specially in those years of waiting but the key is to trust the proccess.believe and do not give up!God has put the desire in your heart to be with someONE one day, through out your lifetime for a reason and a purpose!We encourage You to pray for God's leading/guidance,wisdom and patience throughout the refining process and in your waiting!
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“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33 NIV