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Different Brains

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Supporting Neurodiversity From Autism to Alzheimer’s and All


Supporting Neurodiversity From Autism to Alzheimer’s and All Brains In Between!

Welcome to the YouTube channel for! Different Brains ® is a 501C3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the understanding and acceptance of the basic variations in the human brain known as neurodiversity; ending the stigma attached to the related diagnoses and treatment; uniting silos of resources and research whose goals could be better achieved through collaboration; offering support to families and caregivers; and improving the lives and maximizing the potential of those whose brains may be different.

On this channel you will find our weekly interview show EXPLORING DIFFERENT BRAINS (a weekly interview show hosted by neurodiversity advocate Harold "Hackie" Reitman, MD.) and the WEEK IN NEURODIVERSITY (our weekly show covering stories about those of us with brains that might be a bit different).