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Hey Guys, AntVenom here! Welcome to my Minecraft YouTube Cha

7 months ago - 2.1K likes

Tomorrow, I'll be bringing the first non-Minecraft video to the channel in a very long time, and I'm extremely proud of this one. I'm going to make more of these tech videos to mix in with my regular Minecraft content, but I'm unsure if they'll always go up on the AntVenom channel. I'll weigh the options, and your feedback over the coming weeks.

This topic will be about how the Steam Deck lacks a very specific feature that hits close to home as a content creator, and it's also a guide on how to bring that feature to the Steam Deck with very minimal effort. It's a feature that I feel most people who own a Steam Deck will want to have for themselves once they see it in action.

Thanks for sticking around, Ant Farm!

10 months ago - 1.7K likes

New video tomorrow! I'm sorry for making you wait nearly 7 months. I appreciate you all for sticking with me!

1 year ago - 564 likes

they designed an ENORMOUS redstone computer to detect when any given player is... eating.

i'm not kidding. it's seriously impressive. check it out!

1 year ago - 1.1K likes

Heyo. I apologize that I've not posted a video in nearly 2 months now. I've really not been in the right mindset for content creation as of lately, but it feels like I'll be back to it before too much longer. Read below if you want a more lengthy message about what I've been going through lately, but fair warning, it gets a little (but not overly) personal. For now, here's a video that Gallaxee made that goes over how the first 7 major Survival Games events went down. It's 90 minutes long, so buckle up. I've just wrapped up the first 40 minutes of it, and now I'll actually be learning info about SG 4-7 that I probably have long since forgotten lol.

(Big story ahead, click away if you don't care lol)

Watching this video, alongside a few other personal occurrences lately have me really trying to appreciate the position that I've been in for the past decade. Throughout the past year or two, I've found myself more and more jaded of the content creation process, and part of that may be that I've been mostly a one-man operation since 2020, with the occasional video having been worked on my third parties, which I think has only occurred for 3, or at most 4 of the videos that have come out since April of 2020 or so.

Switching gears for a moment, I want to say that the past few months have been a pretty confusing time for me. Every time I've gone to make a video as of lately... I've been feeling repelled, but I can't really pinpoint why. Some of you may say "Well, you've been making videos for over a decade, maybe you're just sick of it!". That could be the case, but my gut instinct is telling me that's not the case... because honestly, my motivation for just about everything hit rock bottom shortly before the new year. I'm also dealing with some pretty wicked short term memory issues that have certainly not been great for my content creation work. This is an issue that I'm now actively tackling behind the scenes.

I'm gonna warn you now that what I'm about to say might be TMI for people who are only here for the content, and don't really care for personal life updates... but I really need to get off my chest that in July, I stopped taking ADHD medication that I had been taking for about 10 months or so. Some of you may remember me mentioning that I was being treated for ADHD back in my "I've Fallen in Love with Minecraft 1.18" video. Yeah, that treatment didn't go so well. While on it, I had to deal with constant emotional swings, brain fog, etc, and while I didn't realize it at first because of the initial quite positive effects, it became clear as time went on that I was relying on it too heavily, was likely taking too much of it even though I was just sticking with the dosage I was given, and it was ultimately having too negative of an impact on my life, so I withdrew from it. I can't really get into the specifics, but the few months after getting off that treatment were rough, but have been improving in the months that followed.

I'm only telling you these things now because I feel hopeful for the future of things. I hope to dip my feet back into video making, and find my enjoyment of it again, but I'm honestly not sure how the next few months will play out. I don't want to go making promises I can't keep, and I know that actions speak louder than words. So all I'll say is, if you've read this far, I appreciate your patience, and I appreciate each and every one of you who've stuck around with me throughout the years, whether or not you're still watching.

Thank you.

1 year ago - 1.2K likes

Doing a poll for a potential video. If you still play Minecraft on at least a semi regular basis, how much do you care about how sharp your gameplay is. Is your style of personal gameplay more like a speed-runner, trying to min-max every aspect of your gameplay, or are you more like a casual player?

I'm writing the rough outline for a video script, and I genuinely do not know how much my overall audience cares deeply about their gameplay, and I would rather not guess this sort of thing. Feel free to discuss in the comments, but be respectful.

1 year ago - 3.7K likes

Attention! Within the next two hours or so, MysticalMidget will cross Minecraft Beta 1.7.3’s 32 Million Block Limit. After 32m, he’ll hit ghost chunks and fall off the world. He’ll be the VERY 1st person to do so! This is Beta 1.7’s FINAL walkable limit!

I feel like those of you who are subscribed to me may enjoy witnessing this moment in time. He’s been at it for a very long time.

1 year ago - 3K likes

When did you start watching my videos for the first time?

2 years ago - 267 likes

Have you seen how much Minecraft cinematic mods have evolved?

Using the right mods, you can fully manipulate the camera in 3D space, create repeatable camera movement with keyframes, fully manipulate the players limbs, morph into whatever entity you want, even modded ones, and SO much more. Check out todays video!

2 years ago - 9.1K likes

Two things. One, thank you for 1,000,000,000 total video views! These past 10 years have been a very wild ride. I am planning something special for it! And two. I made a new public playlist specifically for my “story time” style videos. These are stories all about community projects, or about projects of my own that have some kind of intricate story attached to them. If you enjoy those kinds of videos, you’ll hopefully enjoy this playlist!

2 years ago - 589 likes

While you wait for the follow-up of the "I BROKE Every Minecraft Setting..." video, consider checking out some of my other "Breaking Minecraft" content! In this video, I stuffed over 10^100 / One Googol items into a single chest, and then HELD it. While holding it... the game lags a LOT.