FitnessByDaanish is a Health & Fitness platform, where you will get all the tips, hacks, workouts, exercises, home workouts, weight loss tips, weight gain methods and everything else related to health, fitness and Lifestyle.
FitnesByDaanish by DAANISH ZAFFAR ..!
I am a graduate (Computer Science & Engineering) and a Graphic & UI/UX Designer.
An IT Professional and a Fitness Enthusiastic since years.
I am also a Certified Fitness Trainer & Certified Diet Planner.
I believe that everyone in this planet can be fit and healthy despite their love for laziness, inconsistency and whatever reasons. Apart from my fitness passion, i also have a very good hand on Painting & Sketching and will do Photography as well.
Here, you will find videos on workouts, weight loss/weight gain plans, easy & simple exercises, home exercises and content similar to all these.
My content will include videos for everyone, not just gym going persons or professional fitness athletes.