Learn to Line Dance with Richard - online line dance lessons aimed at Absolute Beginners, Beginners and Improversm
Dances are broken down, step-by-step and practised. Once we have learnt the whole routine, we practice it to each wall, before putting it all together. Once we are ready we put the dance to the music.
I have chosen dances at an absolute beginner level and I'm aiming the teaches at learning the basic line dance steps. Each lesson builds on the last, learning new steps and repeating existing steps already learnt.
Once you have completed a lesson, I would suggest coming back and doing it a few times over the coming days and weeks. Once you are confident with the dance you can zoom through and join the lesson either at the walk-through or when we put the music on.
Line dancing is all about practice, once you have mastered a dance, try it to different music which will change the feel and speed of it.
Most of all, have fun and enjoy.