Come explore the magic of life, here on the Central coast of California. Stop and smell the flowers. Livin life curiously. New content released almost daily. We hope you join us.
From the everyday Walk and Talks In the neighborhood, to field trips, drive and talk's, easy meal ideas, homemaking tips, essential oil remedies, inspiration, memorials, community events, product reviews, history and of course ADVENTURES! Sometimes we visit local attractions, accommodations, food and local businesses. Giving you ideas where to eat, stay and play. Support your small local businesses. We also cover the local Kristin Smart case. #findkristinsmart
Over our first year on YT, our channel has evolved into almost a Vlog of our life. From the mundane house stuff, to hittin the road. Our style is unique. We just bought our Teardrop Trailer in April 2023, so we share those Adventures with you now too.