Hello! Thanks for visiting Tofer's Car Tales!
Being a lifelong car nerd, I’ve accumulated a ton of random automotive facts and trivia I'd like to share. I've learned some video editing skills over the years and I enjoy cobbling together videos that are visually interesting. I'm not a pro however, so please forgive any rough edges. =]
I love all cars, but have a particular fondness for underdogs and unsung heroes. Of course just about anything produced in the '70's and '80's qualifies. A majority of these cars suffered massively from smog regulations and dubious build quality. So for those that have actually survived... there is a special place in my heart.
I'll stroll right past a Ferrari to check out a Ford Fairmont. My knees go weak at the sight of a pristine first gen Ford Taurus. And I particularly adore the most unloved of all Mustangs, the Mustang II.
My hope is to produce content that will entertain by telling the fascinating stories of how these cars came to be.