Jesus has never left us!
We are living in the days of great deception.
Something Has Shifted': Revival is surely happening
Pray when God opens your eyes in the morning, pray in the middle of the day, pray at bedtime. Prayer is so powerful & give praise to our King, Jesus Christ. Wherever you are, God is Alpha and Omega. God is Fire and Spirit.
I am holding on to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe in The Trinity and I believe God is Love and that he loves us more than we could ever comprehend .We are seeing everything in the Holy Bible come to life.
****Mental pop today.....
I named my favorite Cow, Mooie and brushed her with the brush for the work horse!
Thank you Uncle Jack for teaching me and letting me have the best times on the farm with my best friend, Colonel.
Yeshua you are the Son of the one who sent you , God Almighy
l. There is no one like you . We await your return to Earth through the clouds on a White Horse. Yeshua means Jesus the Messiah.