Hello, everyone! Welcome to my music channel! I'm glad to set up my piano studio with my first Yamaha grand piano.
I would play classical music, mainly the classical repertoire for the piano learners, including the ABRSM and the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival pieces.
Besdes, I have another channel called DolceVivace, featuring my piano cover videos. Feel free to visit if you are interested😉
大家好!歡迎來到我的音樂頻道。我是鋼琴老師Miss Kwok。很高興於2019年設立了個人的鋼琴教室。
此外,我也創立了另一個頻道 DolceVivace,錄了幾首迪士尼、宮崎駿動畫音樂的鋼琴版,有興趣可以去聽聽🤗