Hello ima timun435 .Don`t forget to subscribe me :)
In my channel you can watch my video , comment in video , like or dislike the video
And you can use Heart if you want comment. he comment I will chose one of like or dislike
Because I got some invite from notification If you comment wand what your ask something to me
And I will show you how you can friend with me in Roblox. Go to Roblox and open add friend. search timun435 in find people add friend and you send me add friend. so I will accept you are my friend in Roblox
How to make sure I can have group member in YouTube ? . But if I have group member YouTube this will show you price group from start to Indonesia. Because my location account from Indonesia. Indonesia price my group member is Rp10.000
Because I need a many subscriber to everyone. to make start group member!
What is group member? . There Ima taking many money from DANA
Ima sure you can subscribe me and can do it as you want in my channel. Bye:) .