When it comes to quality, Factory Reproductions has over 20 years of experience manufacturing the best in class replica wheels with the highest of standards. The attention to detail is exceptional throughout the entire manufacturing process. Each replica wheel offered by Factory Reproductions, is compatible with OE TPMS sensors and is interchangeable with the OE center cap. The wheel finishes are durable, easy to maintain and deliver the closest resemblance to stock OEM wheels. Factory reproductions prides itself on creating superior replica OE/OEM wheels while delivering unmatched customer service.
When it comes to quality, Factory Reproductions has over 20 years of experience manufacturing the best in class replica wheels with the highest of standards. The attention to detail is exceptional throughout the entire manufacturing process. Each replica wheel offered by Factory Reproductions, is compatible with OE TPMS sensors and is interchangeable with the OE center cap. The wheel finishes are durable, easy to maintain and deliver the closest resemblance to stock OEM wheels. Factory reproductions prides itself on creating superior replica OE/OEM wheels while delivering unmatched customer service.