GIVE EVERY CHILD A CHANCE provides FREE programs such as: One-on-One Mentor/Tutoring, After School Advantage Program, Reading to the 2nd Power, Technology Outreach Program (Solar Powered Bus), Summer Drop-In, Computer Assisted Instructional Tutoring, Homework Assistance Program, and will soon be starting a Job Shadow/Mentoring Program. We also conduct a high school scholarship program and an essay contest annually.
Starting with one location in 1997 serving 13 students, GECAC has grown to 42 locations serving nearly 3,000 young people. All of our sites are located on school campuses or community based organizations. Our staff is supported each year with 300-400 dedicated volunteers. Sites are located in Manteca, Ripon, Lathrop, Escalon, South Stockton (Weston Ranch), Banta (Tracy), and French Camp. We work directly with the school districts of Manteca, Ripon, Escalon, and Banta, California.