Jesus Christ the Lord of Heaven is returning as prophesied in Revelations chapter 19-20 as the great final tribulation of the final 42 months begins on earth in 2025 lasting through until it ends in 2028 with the breaking open of the 6th seal rapture...immediately after which the 7th seal and 7 trumpet global judgements commence on earth finally ending with the final 7th trumpet with the onset of the millenial reign of Jesus Christ on earth by 2030. Are you saved and clothed in the righteous acts of the saints you have victory over the beast and the false prophet and over the sinful corruption of the powers of this final age on earth? Prepare for the final outpouring by thorough repentance and faith and baptism as it is not likely Jesus delays His return till 2069 given Daniel 12:11-13. The most significant years in biblical chronological exegesis are in between 2027-2033.
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