This is my channel. What you see here was randomly collected and posted. I might try to start a real channel with real content someday but for now, if you've stumbled on to my channel, and have a few minutes there's a few cool things I did over the years here. My name's Aaron, and I love Yeshua. (Jesus)
This is a very solid case for Torah being the behavior we should be striving to emulate, NOT this archaic obsolete "old covenant" called the law of Moses that the judaizers in acts 15 we're trying to trick the followers of Jesus into being "back under the law" nor is it the "law of sin and death" Paul was referring to.
Please prayerfully click this and give it an honest investigation. There's a song in the first 5 minutes that might not be your taste, don't discount the message for it's inclusion in the video.
There's so much deception that's being exposed here on the tube and I pray that all of you who find this channel are in the know and not deceived.
This is my channel. What you see here was randomly collected and posted. I might try to start a real channel with real content someday but for now, if you've stumbled on to my channel, and have a few minutes there's a few cool things I did over the years here. My name's Aaron, and I love Yeshua. (Jesus)
This is a very solid case for Torah being the behavior we should be striving to emulate, NOT this archaic obsolete "old covenant" called the law of Moses that the judaizers in acts 15 we're trying to trick the followers of Jesus into being "back under the law" nor is it the "law of sin and death" Paul was referring to.
Please prayerfully click this and give it an honest investigation. There's a song in the first 5 minutes that might not be your taste, don't discount the message for it's inclusion in the video.
There's so much deception that's being exposed here on the tube and I pray that all of you who find this channel are in the know and not deceived.