Mardel Christian & Education is a faith-based retailer dedicated to renewing minds and transforming lives through the products we sell and ministries we support. To this end, we provide a large selection of quality resources that share truth, teach knowledge, offer encouragement, inspire worship and bring joyâfulfilling our mission to make a difference and give hope.
We offer quality products at the best prices on and across our 41 stores located in 12 states, including Arkansas,
Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, & West Virginia.
Furthering our mission, Mardel faithfully donates 10% of our net profits to Wycliffe Bible Translators, a ministry dedicated to facilitating Bible translation into the heart languages of every people group around the World. Our donation supports the first-edition printing of translated Bibles so every person can receive God's Word and be transformed.