This channel is all about finding our own way in life, healing ourselves, coming out of the shadow and into the light of self discovery. I believe in people sharing their own stories of spiritual growth, of finding their own light, of how they overcame difficulties in their life to become stronger and wiser. I believe, by sharing these stories, it can help others to know that they are not alone, and to give them examples of others who have gone before and who have conquered similar issues. I believe God/the Universe/our Higher Selves want us to find our own light and walk in that light as much as possible, as the more we do that, the more we can be a beacon of light to others. I believe we are all a work in progress. And we always have room to grow!
I welcome people of all faiths as well as atheists or anyone who is unsure how they feel about spirituality to this channel. ❤️ Thank you!
As of 2024, I plan to post videos that, hopefully, will inspire you to continue along your path.😊❤️