Don’t terminate please :(
A great Mario kart player (not really)
subscriber counts:
50 subs June 7 2023
100 subs June 15 2023
500 subs August 26 2023
1K subs October 16 2023
5K subs ????
10K subs ????
50K subs ????
100K subs ????
500K subs ????
1M subs ????
10M subs ????
30M subs ????
50M subs ????
100M subs ????
Rules: No being rude to me
2: do not beg me for some videos
3: no unsub
4: no hating
5: no dating
6: do not bully
7: Making videos every 7 days! (maybe)
8: always support Palestine (this is my custom rule)
Warning 1: you could still enjoy my channel
Warning 2: no commenting for an hour no watching videos from an hour
Last warning : no commenting for a day no watching videos for a day
Strike 1: no comment for a week and no post and no videos
Strike 2: no watching videos comments and post for a month
Last strike: permanently banned from my channel
Thanks this helps! 🤗