Septic Genie was developed to help homeowners permanently fix their septic problems. Using our patented solution, homeowners can self-install and restore their existing septic system to proper function without the need to replace it. This saves them thousands of dollars from unnecessary septic repairs. It is also less disruptive than digging up their back yard and installing a new septic system. A septic system comprises of two main components, a septic tank and a septic drain field or leach field. The most common septic problem is biomat clogging in the drain field. This is the cause of 97% of septic problems. The Genie is the only Aerobic Bacteria Generator on the market, creating perfect conditions in the tank for our unique blend of septic bacteria to quickly digest all the solid waste. The bacteria get carried from the septic tank to the drain field where they digest the biomat and restore the drain field to proper function. It's a lifetime fix…no more septic problem.