Learn in a practical and simple way all the concepts that I will help you to live more fully, conquering everything or what you want in life: health, peace, prosperity, love, a harmonious family, or project two serious dreams, the skills that you always want ter, within many other things.
As a simple and objective language, you will understand that concepts such as: quantum physics, Law of Attraction, religion and various other areas of science (epigenetics, neurology, neuroplasticity, neurolinguistic programming, etc.) converge in various points.
Once you will learn how to use this mechanics in your life, you will know what you want!
Positive Affirmations: bit.ly/3vp5yHu
Binaural & Isochronic: bit.ly/3dYUVoJ
Dinheiro & Prosperidade: bit.ly/3eGcARu
Ho’oponopono: bit.ly/3xvAqrC
Lei da Atração: bit.ly/3aLwjOz
Guided Meditation: bit.ly/3eB2Vvy
Sleep Music: bit.ly/3e0kS7x
Therapeutic Music: bit.ly/3u0rrg4