Liam Dale - WAR STORIES channel. HERE we upload specific history programs produced, directed, presented or narrated by Liam Dale. Award winning documentary and history book writer, his biggest WW2 series to date is THE CALL OF DUTY; 24 x 50 mins of WW2 in 3 month chronological episodes. (NOW COLORISED)
HOWEVER, it is an ongoing battle with YouTube now in 2025, who fail to recognise different language versions, uprezzed content and now even COLORISED, and therefore they constantly deny us monetisation with these documentaries, as they deem WW2 footage as "RE-USED CONTENT".
So, I've come to a decision. Liam Dale - WAR STORIES will stop trying to fight this aspect and I will dedicate this channel to a monumental amount of documentaries, movies and public domain films, WITHOUT trying to earn from it. We WILL PLACE LINKS to earning channels and content, and hope you find value enough on those channels to take a look and CLICK ON OVER. Slanche.. Liam Dale